Crystal & Celeste
Two of the most empowering women Huy has ever met. See how they're fighting Toronto's various food security challenges through their own initiative: Sacraspice.
"Sacraspice Community Services is a charity that teaches youth culinary skills to empower them to choose healthier food options despite social challenges. Sacraspice's initiatives comprise of hosting healthy eating workshops for students living in Toronto's inner city neighbourhoods, and creating recipes that showcase affordable and nutritious meals.
Sacraspice’s goal is to build a generation of health-conscious changemakers who use the skills they learn to positively affect the food systems in their communities."
Maayan Ziv + Team
Huy met Maayan from volunteering for Instagram's #WWIM15 in 2017. Maayan is an incredibly kind & talented individual who always put community first. She founded AccessNow on the basis of accessibility & inclusion.
"AccessNow is all about sharing accessibility information around the world. Our goal is to map as many places as we possibly can, and we invite you to help us! A worldwide community, passionate about change, together we can empower each other to have access now.
As we pin-point the accessibility status of locations, we can start looking at how to turn all the red pins, not accessible, to green pins, accessible. We want to find ways to create access where there currently is none."